Edouard Asselin
Email: edouard.asselin@ubc.ca
Publications: Google Scholar
Website: UBC Materials Engineering Profile
Edouard Asselin is Professor of Applied Electrochemistry and Corrosion, Canada Research Chair in Aqueous Processing of Metals and co-Director of the Pipeline Integrity Institute in the Department of Materials Engineering at The University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver.
Academic Background
Ed graduated with B.A.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Management from the University of Ottawa in 2002. He obtained a Ph.D. from UBC in Materials Engineering in 2007. From 2006 to 2007 he worked as a project metallurgist with Falconbridge/Xstrata in Sudbury, Ontario. Ed was appointed Assistant Professor of Materials Engineering in November 2007 and promoted to Professor in July 2017.
The Corrosion and Applied Electrochemistry Group
Using electrochemical methods, Dr. Asselin’s research group focuses on solving longstanding and intractable problems in corrosion and extractive metallurgy. The group is diverse, with most of the graduate students coming from overseas. The group employs a multidisciplinary approach spanning fundamental electrochemistry and surface science through to stirred tank leaching and reactor design. Since 2007, the group has published over 120 peer reviewed articles. The group has filed several patents including for high temperature and pressure ORP sensing and chalcopyrite leaching.
Leadership Activities Outside UBC
Professor Asselin has been involved with the Metallurgy and Materials Society of Canada since 2007. He was appointed a Board member in 2008 and became president in 2019, stepping down from the Board and Executive in 2020. Dr. Asselin chaired the Conference of Metallurgists in 2019 and co-Chaired Hydrometallurgy 2014.
Honours and Awards
Brimacombe Award, Metallurgical and Materials Society of Canada (2013)
AIME Robert Lansing Hardy Award, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (2016)
Extraction and Processing Science Award, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (2016)
Lash Miller Award, The Electrochemical Society (2019)
Charles A. McDowell Award, UBC (2020)